Wounded Knee uprising, 1973


Forty years later, the reporter meets a Yurok Indian fisherman in California, a man he unwittingly had photographed during the 10-week occupation. The two become friends, traveling back to the Dakotas and later to the pipeline protests on the Standing Rock Reservation, where they examine the legacy of 1970s activism in Indian Country.

Wounded Knee, South Dakota

Meanwhile, the reporter launches a new investigation into the murder of his former roommate, a Mi'kmaq Native from Nova Scotia, Canada who took part in the Wounded Knee uprising. He butts heads with the FBI again, this time over the Bureau's alleged practice of 'snitch-jacketing' the Canadian woman as an informer. The story takes another unsettling turn when the reporter confronts the founders of the Indian movement with alleged ties to her killing, a decision that threatens to undermine his status as a trusted outsider.


Kevin McKiernan during the occupation at Wounded Knee in 1973,
with Lakota elders Oscar Bear Runner and Tom Bad Cob

Bringing King to China is a documentary film about culture, race and human rights. The film brings Martin Luther King's dream of equality and peace to China—and then brings it back to the U.S. The filmmakers are Kevin McKiernan and Oscar-winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler. The film premiered in 2011 at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

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THE KURDS: The untold story of the Kurds by a journalist who has followed their struggle for the last 15 years—from guerrilla safehouses in Syria and Lebanon, refugee tents in Iran, rebel bases in Turkey and, finally, in the corridors of power in the new Iraq.

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